Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Category Collecting Community
Auction Highlights #24
Collecting and Investing Tips #25
Undervalued Spotlight #25
Sleepy Censor #6
Crazy Comic Cover: Flash #319 "A slight touch of death!"
The Cover: Well, The Flash simply seems to be killing someone with his super-speed. How? I got no clue how the Flash is killing this guy, all I can see is that his clothes seem to be flying off. So…
Batman Beats Superman (in an Auction based situation)
Looks like all Batman needed was preparation time to finally defeat Superman, at least when it comes to dollars earned. A rare copy of the first Batman comic book has surpassed the previous comic book record price, $317,000, paid for…
Auction Highlights #23 – Near Mint Minus
Collecting and Investing Tips #24
Undervalued Spotlight #24
Crazy Comic Cover: Incredible Hulk #378 "Rhino Plastered"
The Cover: I can’t get enough of covers of superheroes fighting Santa Claus. There’s such a timeless feeling to seeing the gray Hulk engage in a fistfight with jolly old Saint Nick. What’s fantastic is that the tagline of this…
Sleepy Censor #5
Auction Highlights #22
Collecting and Investing Tips #23
Undervalued Spotlight #23
Crazy Comic Covers: Jimmy Olsen #44 "The Wolf-Man of Metropolis"
The Cover: Jimmy Olsen has all the luck, not only is he a snazzy dresser, but he can also transform into a werewolf! Jimmy seems to have drank a magic potion that turns him into a werewolf and the effects…