T Shirts

Yesterday I was at the 80’s Toy Expo, and I found a really cool T shirt (check out my column later this week for more details).  This gave me an idea.  I hit a website I have bought from before,…

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Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing #2

At the conclusion of Brightest Day, Alec Holland rose from the grave and again became Swamp Thing. After fighting off his dark doppelganger, the Swamp Thing entity lashed out at transnational corporations responsible for the world's environmental concerns. John Constantine is next on its hitlist, but the question is, why? Constantine visits Gotham to meet with Batman and leaves town after gaining his opinion on combating Swamp Thing and the strange infection that's befallen the wily sorcerer.
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Uncanny X-Force #12

After travelling into the AoA dimension along with Dark Beast to recover the Life Seed, the team is left stranded when Dark Beast leaves once the dimension's mutants destroy the Seed. It being the only thing that can save Warren, X-Force is left scrambling for both a way home and solution to save their friend. The remaining mutants in the world take X-Force to Atlantis where they meet the leaders of Mutantkind: an aged Magneto and Jean Grey.
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The Hounds Of Hell

With a title that exciting The Hounds Of Hell was a must read for me this week after a visit to my local comic book shop.  Here’s the publisher’s blurb: Philippe Thirault (Writer) Christian Højgaard (Line art) Drazen Kovacevic (Line…

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Iron Man 2.0 #7

Hammers have fallen from the sky left and right, one of which lands in Beijing near Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. After failing to lift the hammer, Absorbing Man and Titania arrive to secure it. Soon after, the Immortal Weapons arrive after being summoned together to close the gate to the eighth city. Wukong awaits them as they regain consciousness, while James Rhodes struggles to understand why he's there with them at all.
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Daredevil #1

Coming off the worst stretch of his life, Matt Murdock left New York and travelled cross-country to find himself. After a brief stay in New Mexico, Murdock rediscovered his nature after helping a small town overcome its problem with some aggressive locals. Upon returning to New York though, Murdock must face the consequences of his actions.
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