Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag Man of Steel

Man of Steel 2… everyone except Aquaman!

BIFF SOCKO: “Bruce and Clark’s Excellent Adventure!”
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! Hotter than Cat Grant. He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE:…

Reviews and Comic Book Movies
Are you someone who pays attention to the reviews of a movie? If it gets “Two Thumbs Up” do you have to go see it? Or do you even care what someone has to say on TV or in a…

I Fell Asleep During Man of Steel
There’s no doubt you’ve heard a lot about the new Superman movie, Man of Steel. You’ve probably read Scott’s and Anthony’s thoughts on the movie, here on Comic Book Daily. Well… I don’t have too many thoughts on the movie,…

Man of Steel
There is no superhero, not even Batman, that is much of a worldwide cultural icon as Superman. Everyone knows who he is, what clothes he wears, and what powers he has. Everyone knows who his girlfriend is, who his best…

It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! Hotter than Cat Grant. He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE:…

Superman Man Of Steel Trailer 3
As the film gets closer the trailers add more and more: this is the best one yet. [youtube ]

2013 so, what now?
2012 was a milestone year for comics at the movies. Marvel’s characters blew everything else away in the biggest movie-event of the summer and the general interest in comic characters reached new heights as ‘nerdism’ was celebrated among civilians as…

Man of Steel
Arguably the most recognizable figure in popular culture, transcending generations and outliving his creators – one of (maybe) 3 fictional characters from the realm of comic books whom proudly parade as household names across the world. In comics, the series…