New Green Lantern Trailer
A new Green Lantern Trailer is up! Check it out:
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A new Green Lantern Trailer is up! Check it out:
Do you still read comic strip comics from the newspaper? Do you read them online? Or do you even bother anymore? When I was a kid, I used to read the Saturday newspaper comics religiously. Okay, I know they are…
So this past weekend I drove down to the Pittsburgh Comicon, because the two comic conventions in Toronto in the last month weren’t enough for this fanboy. So my co-pilot Ian, and I set out to steel-town USA, to see…
So I received an email this morning from the Pittsburgh Comicon Community that the Rob Granito story continues to get better. The website Comics Cube posted an article this morning about how they received a letter from an “Alison” stating…
In case you haven’t seen it yet, Warner Bros released an extended trailer for Green Lantern at WonderCon over the weekend. You can check it out in HD here.
So I have been following the stories that have been unravelling around Rob Granito. Don’t know him? Well.. You’re not alone. And that’s part of the problem. (But if you want to get a little caught up, check out the…
Rob Granito is having a rough week. The picture on the right is now being used on Facebook profile pages. Starting last Thursday, Bleeding Cool published a story about a guy named Rob Granito, comic artist. So why the story?…
Check out the new Captain America: The First Avenger trailer. Enjoy!
Dylan Dog Investigates His Way Into the Big Scream … er I mean Screen. Early reports are coming in about a big screen version of Italian comic creator Tiziano Sclavi’s title character about the “nightmare investigator”, in Dylan Dog: Dead…
Fox has re-opened the Daredevil franchise by acquiring Twilight Saga Eclipse director David Slade. Much like the Fantastic Four, the Marvel Man Without Fear will be re-booted for a new series of movies (hopefully) in the near future. Currently Fox…
Perhaps one of the strangest characters in the Marvel Mythos is M.O.D.O.K. Originally, the character started out as George Tarleton who created the Cosmic Cube. A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics) changed Tarleton into the being known as M.O.D.O.C. (Mental Organism Designed…
Hey all, I decided to make a quick list of all the comic conventions that are coming up in 2011. Now you can plan to roam North America visiting convention center after convention center. All Con names are linked. Enjoy.…
Comic collecting draws all kinds of different collectors. When I first started collecting, I was very young, and was really only interested in Richie Rich comics. Well, that’s not entirely true. I liked all the Harvey comics. Sad Sack, Hot…
So after our podcast this week, a listener wrote to me talking about how he was thinking about why the Iron Man comic hasn’t really translated into huge sales, given the enormous success of the movies. Ian Warren writes: The…
Boo. Scared yet? Well you should be. Halloween is drawing closer and of course the nights of monsters and creepy things will once again be upon us. Bwah ha ha ha. Sorry, I get a little carried away with the…
I was reading the Overstreet Price Guide the other day. I know what you’re thinking… nerd.. but hey, isn’t that why we are all here?. I starting thinking about the various “eras” in comic history. Overstreet has definitions now that…
Last week I talked a little bit about the advent of how the Comics Code Authority came into being. It was a really quick review. If you are interested in finding out more history on the subject, I highly recommend…
One of the topics I generally like to talk to my students about sequential art and thus comics are how they are really just another way of telling a story. Not unlike prose, visual art, dance, poetry, etc, sequential art…
ARRRGH!!! That was my first thought when I decided to I wanted to write about comics on a regular basis. “ARRRGH!!!”. Why? Because I have too much to talk about and too many topics. Artists? Collecting? Comics in the classroom?…