Undervalued Spotlight #407
Adventure Comics #247, DC Comics, April 1958. I’ve never been a big fan of DC’s early Silver Age relaunch books but I’m well aware that I speak to an empty room. The room is empty because everyone is out buying…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Adventure Comics #247, DC Comics, April 1958. I’ve never been a big fan of DC’s early Silver Age relaunch books but I’m well aware that I speak to an empty room. The room is empty because everyone is out buying…
Superman #400, DC Comics, October 1984. Well, here we are at Undervalued Spotlight #400. I think this is a great time to thank you all for your continued support and thoughtful comments. Your comments, whether in the shop, at comic…
Superman Annual #1, DC Comics, October 1960. In comic collecting Superman has led the way with some 1sts that both collectors and investors love. Action Comics #1 gave birth to the whole superhero genre that we all know and enjoy…
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk comics with special guest Scott VanderPloeg. Chris, Walt and Scott talk about the upcoming release of Action Comics #1000, the new Han Solo movie and touch on Scott’s love…
Superman #30, DC Comics, September/October 1944. I remember having a solid copy of an old Sup a couple of years ago. I remember picking it up and loving the cover, a great love triangle cover with a sassy Lois snubbing…
Action Comics #275, DC Comics, April 1961 Let’s stay with Superman one more week. One of the hottest Silver Age DC’s on the market is Action Comics #242 featuring the 1st appearance of Brainiac and the 1st Lost City of Kandor.…
Superman #1 – Page 24 only, DC Comics, Supper 1939, designated PG by CGC sold for $405 on eBay recently. I’ve been asked to buy single pages of big book a lot recently, apparently it’s quite the trend. To date…
I’m not even sure how I came across this, but I sure knew I wanted to share it from the moment I saw it. Superman debuted in 1939 and shortly after that the Max Fleischer Studios were approached to do…
Superman #4, DC Comics, Spring 1940 Looking back I can see that I haven’t had the best relationship with the Superman title. I’ve always thought the value of Superman #1 to be inflated versus say Batman #1 and maybe that’s…
There were Treasury Editions! Before there were Artist Editions and the like, both Marvel and DC experimented with oversize volumes that collected both reprints and original stories. They were printed in oversize volumes, roughly 10.5″ x 13.5″. Printed on regular…
52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their…
52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their…
Comic Link Winter Featured Auction The comic book portion of ComicLink’s Winter Featured Auction ended Wednesday February 24th and there were some noteworthy results. The book that took top spot was a CGC 2.0 Action Comics #7, it earned an…
Action Comics #419, DC Comics, December 1972 Time to step aside and let first-time guest Spotlight writer Carey take the Stage. Is it me or did Carey just dis my brilliant Friday Foster pick? If I didn’t like Carey’s pick…
“Dear Doc Curmudgeon” is a column by Clint McElroy made up of completely fabricated responses to mostly fabricated questions. But you knew that due to your discerning nature and brilliant mind which would never fall for a columnist trying to…
“Dear Doc Curmudgeon” is a column by Clint McElroy made up of completely fabricated responses to mostly fabricated questions. But you knew that due to your discerning nature and brilliant mind which would never fall for a columnist trying to…
It’s almost Easter-time, so I thought it would be interesting to explore issues of life and death in the comic book world. The “comic book death” of a major character mirrors the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is…
Happy New Year, everyone. It is now 2015 and it will be another fun and exciting year in the comic book industry. Last year was a busy year for movie announcements. Marvel made a slew of movie announcements including new…