Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Category Reviews

The Walking Dead #100

Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Promise Part 1
Avatar: The Last Airbender is an animated series that ran from 2005 to 2008 and its sequel, The Legend of Korra, is set 70 years afterwards. Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Promise is a three part miniseries that is…

Review | The Activity Vol 1
Lots of buzz about a new series from Image led me to pick up The Activity Volume 1 trade paperback by Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerads. The evolution of global conflict necessitates the evolution of warfare to rise and meet…

Review | The Amazing Spider-Man Movie
Sam Raimi’s series of Spider-Man films were filled with grand gestures, exaggerated camera moves and large doses of quirky humour, mostly at the expense of the Peter Parker character. It was great fun while it lasted, but after the overstuffed…

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes
Available for: Xbox 360, PS3, Vita, MS Windows, Nintendo 3DS, Wii System Reviewed: PS3 There has never, in the history of video games, been a good Superman game. Sure, there have been passable games, and quite a few awful ones,…

Chi’s Sweet Home
Chi’s Sweet Home is an ongoing manga series by Konami Kanata about a kitten named Chi as she discovers the world around her. Chi’s Sweet Home is just plain fun to read because Chi is extremely adorable and acts like…

Marvel Pinball: The Avengers Chronicles

Rebel Blood #4

The Comedian #1

Spider-Men #1
You can say whatever you want about Brian Michael Bendis, some fans love him, some hate him, but he has done a great job as the Ultimate Spider-Man scribe over the past 10 years. He also has been pretty familiar…

Silk Spectre #1

Avengers vs. X-Men #5

True Blood Season 4 Blu Ray
It is hard to explain True Blood to anyone who has never seen the show. Not because it is so deep and complex, like some kind of Proustian opus, but because there is no way to explain the show without…

Clay County

Batman Incorporated #1

The latest from Humanoids, bringing English translations of European works. Megalex was a three-volume work released in French in 1999, 2002 and 2008. This is its first English release. On the planet-city of Megalex, urban sprawl and technology consume all,…

Captain America By Ed Brubaker Vol 2
Having sworn off superhero comics I couldn’t help picking up this double dose of personal favourites: Captain America and Alan Davis. Cap struggles to find his faith when the new Hydra rises from the ashes and makes its first deadly…

Mind the Gap #1

The Strange Talent Of Luther Strode
Another Image book that garnered a lot of buzz is The Strange Talent Of Luther Strode. Luther Strode is just your average geek until he sends for an exercise course from the back of an old comic book. What he…