Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Category Reviews

Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood #5

Review | The Lone Ranger
One of this summer’s biggest blockbusters (and biggest financial disaster) is The Lone Ranger. This movie has been plagued with poor reviews, and has virtually disappeared from the box office. It is a movie I wanted to see on the…

Review | RED 2
RED 2 is the sequel to the unexpected hit RED, which is based on the comic book by Warren Ellis and Cully Hamner. RED 2 features the superstar cast of Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker, Neal McDonough, Byung Hun…

Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood #2

Kill Shakespeare: The Tide of Blood #1

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (Animated)
Warner’s faithful adaptation of Frank Miller’s magnum opus concludes with Batman’s final confrontations. The Dark Knight and the brave, young Carrie Kelly at his side as Robin have finally reclaimed Gotham City and allowed a ray of hope to penetrate…

Superior Spider-Man #1
There have been very few titles that have caused as much of a stir as Superior Spider-Man. I wanted to wait a bit before writing this review so that it wasn’t necessary to plaster spoiler alerts every second sentence, but…

Uncle Scrooge: Only A Poor Man
There are certain comic books that you are supposed to have read. Ones that have critical and/or commercial success behind them. Books like Maus and Watchmen and Love & Rockets and The Dark Knight Returns. Things that you know you…

Amazing Spider-Man #700
Spider-Man milestone issues have always been epic and/or controversial, and I can only imagine if the internet existed in 1971 there would have been a lot of complaining about Spider-Man growing extra arms. Each of the hundredth issues have been…

Captain America #1
I try to approach a new #1 issue with cautious optimism but that is the kind of glass-half-full guy I am. A slew of premier issues have been coming out fast and furious thanks to Marvel Now! and while some…

Marvel Vs Capcom: Origins
Superheroes and fighting games go together like peanut butter and chocolate. Perhaps it is the often used plot device of heroes fighting each other before the obligatory team-up, or perhaps it is our own personal joy of taking on the…

Avenging Spider-Man #11
The celebration of Spidey’s 50th continues with an Uncle Ben tribute issue in Avenging Spider-Man #11. There is very little avenging to be had in this comic (only 2 pages actually) and the majority of the issue deals with Aunt…

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 (Animated)
An animated adaptation of arguably the most well-known Batman story, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 is a faithful transfer of Frank Miller’s material to the small screen. In the bleak and ominous future of Batman: The Dark Knight…

Michael Cho: Back Alleys and Urban Landscapes
Last night I had the opportunity to attend an art gallery reception for Back Alleys and Urban Landscapes , Michael Cho‘s art book on the unseen treasures of hidden Hogtown. Cho draws back the veil on these necessary arteries, and lets the…

Amazing Spider-Man #692
No matter how many times a character is rebooted, restarted, or renumbered it is still a milestone to be in constant publication for 50 years. Our Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man has his Golden Jubilee this year and Marvel has a host…

Saga #6

Avengers vs. X-Men #10

Dead World: War of the Dead #2