Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag Jonathan Hickman

You Want 2nds? Secret Wars #2
Hi folks, welcome to ARCHIE G’s. I’m your waiter, Raoul. Here at ARCHIE G’s, we don’t think you can make a dependable Pull List decision based on the first serving of a comic. Publishers throw everything they’ve got at a…

Review | God is Dead #1-2

Review | East of West

Avengers vs. X-Men #10

Avengers vs. X-Men #5

Avengers vs. X-Men #1

Fan Expo Wrap Up: The FF panel, 4 Colour Couples and More
How was your Fan Expo weekend? Glad to hear it. How was mine? Oh you know, My FF workshop was the buzz of the internet for a weekend, Brian Azzarello, Jill Thompson and Matt Fraction tried to convince me to…

Marvel announces new CrossGen titles at Fan Expo
Marvel Comics announced two new titles for its CrossGen imprint slated for release in the near future. In December, CrossGen will be the home to a new Kiss Kiss Bang Bang four-issue limited series, featuring star writer Peter Milligan at the helm.…

The Fantastic Farel Dalrymple
It’s been a pretty good few years for the Fantastic Four/Future Foundation (no matter what Eddie Campbell says). After being largely neglected by the comics community at large – probably since the Waid/Wieringo era – it seems like the books…

Fan Expo Canada 2011 Announces Their Guests!
CBD’s 52Q | #32: Not So Fly
Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration. This week’s…
Review: Future Foundation #1
Writer: Jonathan Hickman Penciler: Steve Epting Inkers:Rick Magyar and Steve Epting Colours: Paul Mounts Letters: Rus Wooton Covers: Steve Epting, Daniel Acuna, Marko Djurdjevic, Gerald Parel, Stan Goldberg, Joe Sinnott and Val Staples Publisher: Marvel Still reeling from the…
Suddenly/Meanwhile… | We Poppupians Have No Names!
Two Items of Awesomeness Through TUMBLR! First we Have Dan Hipp (Amazing Joy Buzzards and Gyakushu!) showing us what Shadowlands could have been had it not been hampered by Billy Tan’s art. And then the lovely Gail Simone lets us…
James Stokoe's Galactus Warm Up Blows my Mind!
I’ve been sleeping on Orc Stain ..mostly because I’m looking forward to getting a collected edition (yes, I’m killing the industry) but that doesn’t mean I’m not supportive of the creator in other ways. For example: I follow Orc Stain’s…
A Look At Hickman/Pacheco's Ultimate Thor
The recent Comic Con announcement that rising talent Jonathan Hickman will be penning a Ultimate Thor miniseries with all-star artist Carlos Pacheco has got my mind going a million miles an hour. Hickman (who’s never met a high concept that…
Marvel's Heroic Age Begins Here!
Marvel Comics is proud to announce The Heroic Age, the dawn of an exciting new era of heroism in the Marvel Universe! Beginning in May 2010 with the release of AVENGERS #1, The Heroic Age ushers in a brighter Marvel…
Sneek Peak: Fantastic Four #575
This is all the e-mail said: “THERE IS CHAOS IN THE UNDERWORLD.” Then this image from Fantastic Four #575. Jonathan Hickman and Dale Eaglesham’s Fantastic Four run has – thus far – been incredibly solid. When you’ve got a title…
Jonathan Hickman's Shield Miniseries
Yesterday we reported it.. we even guessed that it was going to be a ROM relaunch.. boy we were ever wrong. Though, not as wrong as this guy. So, it appears that rising star of comics and the man Brian…
Sneek Peek: Jonathan Hickman’s Secret Marvel Project
Marvel Comics released a teaser image for writer Jonathan Hickman’s “Top Secret New Project” today. “They’ve been around since the dawn of time….how do they impact the past, present and future of the Marvel Universe?” writes Marvel mysteriously in a…