Tag Captain America

Avengers vs. X-Men #5

In the fifth installment of Avengers vs. X-Men, the highly anticipated mini-series featuring Marvel's mutants and resident team of Avengers, the pace definitively picks up as tensions come to a head between the two teams vying for their personal stakes in Hope's destiny. However, despite an epic-scoped story, the collective of Marvel architects fail to capitalize on the story's potential with a lackluster fifth outing which explodes the X-Men mythos with a barrage of head scratching developments.
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Marvel Trading Cards

Like comic books, trading cards were booming back in the 90’s.  Trading cards are very popular now.  Card battle games are everywhere.  Back in the 90’s, cards were very basic and they were just a collector’s card. Impel released Marvel…

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Death Of Cap

Just came across the web site of amazing artist R. Kikuo Johnson: another stunning illustrator I’ve missed along the way.  Take a look at this amazing piece that was done for the New York Times. Invoking raising the flag on Iwo…

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