Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag Grant Morrison
Review: The Return of Bruce Wayne #2 (or the Further Adventures of Solomon Wayne)
Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Frazer Irving Greetings all. This week we’re looking at the second issue of Grant Morrison’s mini-series, The Return of Bruce Wayne. Morrison continues his time traveling theme as we follow Wayne into another historical period, and…
Sneak Peek: Batman The Return of Bruce Wayne #2
The most anticipated series of 2010 is here! Superstar writer Grant Morrison tackles his most ambitious project to date with THE RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE, a special six-part series that chronicles the return of the original man behind Batman’s cape…
Review: Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #1
I’ve developed somewhat of a love-hate relationship with Grant Morrison’s writing. Although I openly admit that both his New X-Men and more recently his runs on the main Batman title as well as Batman and Robin are fantastic, at any…
We Finally See Frank Quitely's Joker!
If you know anything about me at this point it’s that I am absolutely head over heels in love with Frank Quitely’s art. I think he’s the most dynamic and exciting artists today. So in saying that I’ve become completely…
Warren Ellis: Sitting In a Dark Room ….The Trailer!
A trailer has been released for Warren Ellis: Captured Ghosts, the newly announced feature-length documentary about by Sequart and Respect Films, the folks behind Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods. “Oh god,” Ellis wrote this morning on his blog. “The trailer…
Review: Batman & Robin: Batman Reborn Prem. HC
I’m a big fan of trades and hardcovers. I like having complete chapters to read. My typical Wednesday ritual is to go to the comic shop, gab with with the employees and some of the customers for a bit and…

Wizard World Toronto: Cameron Stewart
I had interviewed Cameron Stewart last year at Fan Expo just before word had broken about his three issue stint on Grant Morrison’s Batman & Robin. This shouldn’t really have come as much of a surprise as Stewart been a…
More Batman & Robin and Return of Bruce Wayne News!
DC Comics announced this morning that Frazer Irving will follow Andy Clarke as artist on Batman and Robin beginning with June’s Issue 13. Irving, who collaborated with writer Grant Morrison on 2005’s Seven Soldiers: Klarion the Witch Boy, joins an…
Batman: Return Of Bruce Wayne All Covers Coloured (And Connected)
Back in the day we were amazed at the brilliance that was Andy Kubert’s covers for Grant Morrison’s Return of Bruce Wayne. They were beautiful in their black and white; so much so that I almost didn’t really care if…
I Heart Comics: Random Reviews
Last night I had one of the best reading experiences. All the titles really only had one thing in common: great comics. Now most of these books are old, and for whatever reason I only recently picked them up. These…
This Week In Panels #2: February 19th, 2010
Return of Bruce Wayne: 2nd Look At The Covers
[Via ComicsAlliance] I can’t believe I didn’t notice this.. and trust me when I say I stared at them for HOURS! Comics Alliance is awesome! Andy Kubert has been firing on all cylinders for a very long time; it’s a…
This Week In Panels: Feb. 12th
Things that I Enjoyed in My Comics This week includes spoilers, and plenty of them. So consider this your warning. You’ve been warned, so don’t read it unless you’re willing to be spoiled. Got it? Dan Slott explains away all…
Sneak Peek: Batman and Robin #8
The DC Blog starts Monday off right with some wonderful Cameron Stewart pencils for Batman and Robin #8. For those of you who didn’t get to read #7 – then here’s what you missed out on. Batman is currently in…
Look at the Cover to Return of Bruce Wayne #2
On the heels of last month’s reveal of the cover to issue #1, DC Comics has released Andy Kubert’s cover to the second issue of the upcoming Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne miniseries. Written by Grant Morrison, it looks…
Batman Versus Robin and Versus History?
DC Comics’ week of announcements continues this morning with news of the return of Bruce Wayne in a time-traveling miniseries written by Grant Morrison. Debuting in April 2010, the aptly named Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne finds the character…
Sneak Peek: Grant Morrison: Talking With Gods Trailer
I still remember my first time reading a Grant Morrison comic. (I think most people do, which I guess is why he’s Grant Morrison, just like Alan Moore is Alan Moore and Frank Miller is Frank Miller.) The thing about…
Sneek Peek: Batman and Robin #6
BATMAN AND ROBIN #6 hits 11/11 and DC was kind enough to give us a sneak peek at the ending of the Red Hood storyline and at what appears to be the greatest mob hitman of all time – The…

Batman, Why don’t you purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka?
I’ve been consistently blown away by Grant Morrison’s Batman and Robin. It’s like this awesome mixture of all these elements that make Batman, hell, comics awesome all put together into one monthly issue. I suppose one of the reasons is…