Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag Steve Ditko

Web Arted Nov 15th

Web Arted Nov 8th

Web Arted Oct 25th

Web Arted Apr 19th

Undervalued Spotlight #150
Daring Love #1, Gilmour Magazines (Sept/Oct 1953) Look at that cover! Careful kids, you might start a fire! It’s at moments like this that I wish I was a poet so that I could convey the power of love via…

Web Arted Feb 1st

ComicLink Original Art Auction Nov 29th
ComicLink completed their November Focused Auction last week, with the original comic art portion ending September 28th. Here we’ll look at five choices that stuck out from the rest of the herd. This auction featured a large number of Steve…

Web Arted Nov 30th
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days.

Web Arted Oct 26th

Web Arted Oct 12th

Spider-Man Is Fifty And Still Awesome
It will come as no surprise to longtime readers that I am a huge Spider-Man fan. It is the book that I have collected the longest, the character that I have always liked the most, and the one that still…

ComicLink Original Comic Art Auction Aug 30th
ComicLink has just wrapped up its August Featured Auction with the original comic art segment ending August 30th. Here we’ll take a look at five highlights of the auction. Before diving into that it’s interesting that approximately one third of…

Web Arted Aug 17th

Web Arted Jul 13th

Web Arted Jun 8th

Undervalued Spotlight #124
Journey into Mystery #54, Marvel Comics, September 1959 The Undervalued Spotlight has touched on the relationship between the comic book’s artist and the comic books collectability before. The 1st time a prominent artist has drawn his signature character is always…

Web Arted Mar 30th

Undervalued Spotlight #93
Blue Beetle #1, Charlton Comics, June 1967 Steve Ditko is one of the true giants of comic books. Ditko’s two major contributions, co-created with Stan Lee, were Dr. Strange and the Amazing Spiderman. In subsequent interviews Ditko has downplayed Lee’s…
Just A Thought | With Age Comes…
The other day I’m headed home from the day job and I have local classic rock station, Q107 on in my car and they play the new single from Robbie Robertson. I’m a big fan of Robertson’s, both of The…