Undervalued Spotlight #422
Yellow Claw #1, Atlas Comics, October 1956. News came out this week of some potential movie plans for Shang-Chi the Master of Kung Fu so I tried to pick a book that could benefit from this. I didn’t want to…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A look at “undervalued” comics. See our Undervalued Spotlight Index for the complete 476 entries.
Yellow Claw #1, Atlas Comics, October 1956. News came out this week of some potential movie plans for Shang-Chi the Master of Kung Fu so I tried to pick a book that could benefit from this. I didn’t want to…
Captain America Annual #8, Marvel Comics, September 1986. The Copper Age is full of books that are still easily accessible, that can still deliver great value and that still have strong potential. It’s been a while since we did a…
Strange Adventure #9, DC Comics, June 1951. A friend of mine recently sent me pics of a very cool book he’d just picked up. It was a solid mid-grade copy of a book I used to have and it made…
Fantastic Four #10, Marvel Comics, January 1963. Stan Lee passed away yesterday, Monday, November 12th, 2018. My condolences to Mr. Lee’s family and friends. I’ll always remember where I was when I heard of Stan Lee’s death, I’ll also remember the…
Two-Fisted Tales #35, EC Comics, October 1953. Sometimes the weirdest things lead me to a spotlight pick. I’ll often try to think of a good pick for the moment, be it a Valentine-themed pick or a Christmas-themed one, I’ve even…
Adventures of the Fly #4, Archie Publications, January 1960. This week I’m turning things over to 1st time guest Spotlight writer Steven. Steven has been supporting the Spotlight for a while now and was kind enough to send me a…
Sub-Mariner #13, Timely Comics, Spring 1944. On a recent post convention dinner we were debating what the best covers of each “age” were. For this Spotlight post we’ll focus on our “Golden Age” argument. Some great books were put forth…
DC 100 Super Spectacular #4 Weird Mystery Tales, DC Comics, 1971. In today’s Undervalued Spotlight we go back in time to Bronze Age big comics, I mean 100 pages big, and the very beginning of DC’s 100-page comic era that…
Kingdom Come #1, DC Comics, May 1996. I was set up at the Tri-City Super Con in Kitchener Ontario this past weekend and as part of our set up we were selling some graphic novels. It was after one particular…
Amazing Spider-Man #134, Marvel Comics, July 1974. We’ve had some heavy hitters up the last 5 or 6 weeks so I think we’ll take it easy on the pocketbook this week and pick a cool, fun book that’s affordable. Cool,…
Wonder Woman #24, DC Comics, July/August 1947. I think I did a half decent job with my Undervalued Spotlight #134. I think my argument on Wonder Woman #179’s significance still holds water almost 300 Spotlights later. Also, I don’t think…
Incredible Hulk #2, Marvel Comics, July 1962. I’ve always been a fan of second appearances! Have I not mentioned that Undervalued Spotlight #79 is the most read Spotlight ever? I think others like second appearances too. His week I turn…
Marvel Spotlight #5, Marvel Comics, August 1972. Oh my goodness, the back issue market has been on fire recently. Bronze Age keys from Marvel have fared particularly well with Incredible Hulk #181, Amazing Spider-Man #129, Giant Size X-Men #1 and…
Marvel Tales #94, Marvel Comics, November 1949. I spend Labor Day labouring with my crew on putting our shop back together after our massive Fan Expo undertaking. Combine a massive 4-day con with a massive 27′ x 32′ island booth…
America’s Best Comics #7, Standard/Better/Nador, October 1943. I want to thank CBD iron man Mike Huddleston for this week’s Guest Spotlight submission. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love Mike’s Spotlights, his posts ooze knowledge, wisdom…
Adventure Comics #247, DC Comics, April 1958. I’ve never been a big fan of DC’s early Silver Age relaunch books but I’m well aware that I speak to an empty room. The room is empty because everyone is out buying…
Amazing Spider-Man #102, Marvel Comics, November 1971. Bronze baby, bronze! Thanks to last week’s post I’m all stoked for Marvel Bronze Age so I found another nice bite-sized book that would look good in everyone’s collection, actually I think it’s…
Defenders #8, Marvel Comics, September 1973. It’s been over a year since the last early Bronze Age Marvel has been featured on the Spotlight. I’m not sure how something like that happens but one is long overdue an I think…
2000 AD Prog 228, IPC Comics (UK), September 5th, 1981. This week Spotlight fan Simon from lovely St. Albans, UK (just north of London) has submitted a gem of a Guest Undervalued Spotlight. I think his argument is sound and…
Adventure Comics #93, DC Comics, August/September 1944. I love browsing through some of the bigger auctions. I always start by having a peek at the Golden Age offerings, there’s so much great Golden Age out there! It was a recent ComicLink…