Andrew Ardizzi

Andrew Ardizzi

Andrew Ardizzi is an honours graduate of journalism from Humber College, and is currently working out of Toronto as a freelance writer and editor. He's also the Senior Editor at Crystal Fractal Comics. You can find him at his blog, or follow him on Twitter.

Review: Starborn #1

The Grand Poobah: Stan Lee Writer: Chris Roberson Artist: Khary Randolph Colours: Mitch Gerads Letters: Ed Dukeshire Covers: Gene Ha with Nei Ruffino (A), Humberto Ramos with Edgar Delgado (B), Khary Randolph with Etienne St. Laurent (C) Publisher: Boom! Studios…

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Review: Brightest Day #15

Writers: Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi Artists: Patrick Gleason and Scott Clark Inkers: David Beaty, Mick Gray, Tom Nguyen, Mark Irwin, Rebecca Buchman, Keith Champagne, Sandra Hope, Patrick Gleason Colours: Brian Buccellato and Peter Steigerwald Cover: David Finch (primary), Ivan…

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Review: Scarlet #3

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Alex Maleev Letters: Chris Eliopoulis Covers: Alex Maleev and Michael Avon Oeming Publisher: Marvel Icon What’s your breaking point? Really, sit back for a moment. Think about it. What would push you beyond the point…

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