Tag eBay


We say hello and send best wishes to all our American friends this Memorial Day weekend. I tried to get one last press release about our just posted Canadiana auction into the monthly CGC newsletter last week; we’ve been submitting…

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Last week I had an amazing piece dropped off to me for next week’s Canadiana auction we’re running on eBay (items will be posted May 29th and the auction will run for 10 days). Behold this beautiful Cosmicon poster with…

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A Giant

I was very sad to read of the passing of Neal Adams. Mr. Adams used to come to a lot of Canadian shows with his instantly recognizable oversized booth. He focused a lot of his energies on selling signed oversized…

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Two weeks without a Comic Culture podcast; catching Covid will do that to you. Chris looks for any excuse to avoid me as it is, imagine his luck when I came down with the thing. I’m feeling better and think…

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As I’m typing this I’m watching that Fantastic Four #1 CGC 9.2 on Heritage pass the one million dollar mark. I said at the beginning of the year that there would be more one million dollar sales in 2022 than…

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It’s February in Canada and that means it’s really cold: luckily I’ve had some hot and heavy books come through to take the edge off. It was only a couple of weeks ago I got to handle a coverless copy…

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